By Claudia Quesito
Italian food and cuisine need no introduction; they are universally well known. Being famous...
Voici quelques arguments en faveur de l'apprentissage du français.
Une langue latine qui a influencé...
Pocas cosas son tan enriquecedoras como una visita a un museo o un sitio arquitectónico, por lo que los tours...
By Claudia Quesito
Every year in October, the United States officially celebrates Italian Americans’ contributions...
While travelling abroad isn't on most people's to-do list right now, it's nice to think of all the places we'll visit...
Myriam Arcangeli
La marque du pluriel pour les noms français est un -s ou un -x silencieux à la fin. Il...
In terms of size, Italy is definitely a small country: its total area is 116,350 square miles (or 301.340 chilometri...
Même dans le domaine de la prononciation, il y a des variations et des exceptions. Voici, par exemple, deux cas de...
By- Claudia Quesito
The main tenses used to talk about the past are passato prossimo (present perfect), imperfetto...
By Claudia Quesito
Together with the unavoidable food, design is one of the Italian icons, known and celebrated...