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Five Ways to Celebrate National Poetry Month

By- Erika Semprun

With National Poetry month finally here, many are wondering how best to celebrate the occasion. Today, Vista Higher Learning is bringing you some ideas.

1. Pick up a copy of your favorite works

What better way to celebrate the genre than to read it? Head over to the community library or bookstore and pick up some of your favorite works or pieces by your favorite poets. While it’s always great to try something new, this is also a great time to revisit poetry that made an impact on you. Consider finding works that really resonated with you.

2. Try something new  

Revisiting familiar works can be comforting, but trying out new types of poetry or checking out different poets can be exciting, too. If you’re not big on taking a chance and don’t want to be disappointed, do some research online or talk to other readers. Getting recommendations from family and friends is an ideal option when looking for new material to study. Always remember to mention pieces that you’ve liked so others can recommend similar material.

3. Go to a reading

Do you live near a library or bookstore? If you do, check out their event schedule throughout the month of April. Community libraries and bookstores are likely to hold events commemorating the occasion—the most common are poetry readings and signings. Readings are a wonderful way to pay tribute to the genre and as a plus, you get to meet and mingle with other readers.

4. Work on your writing

What better time to work on your poetry-writing skills than throughout National Poetry Month? If you’re not in the mood to pick up a book, writing may be more appealing. Take the time to sit down and work on your writing skills. Poetry is often associated with intense emotion and is considered an outlet for expression, so use the activity to reflect on your emotions and communicate them.

5. Learn about the genre

One of the best ways to celebrate poetry is to learn about it. Take the time to research the genre and find out how and where it was born. Not only will you learn something, but you may also be surprised to find classic works that appeal to you.

How are you celebrating National Poetry Month? Chat with us on social media! For similar content in the month of April, check out Spanish Classroom.


La palabra del día: rimar

Etimología de la palabra poesía



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3 years ago

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