Let’s talk vocabulary games! Games are a fantastic and fun way to tailor Get Ready! instructional routines to your...
Listening to target-language music is a popular way to improve comprehension skills. It might be surprising to learn,...
I walk into class holding a stack of papers and hear, “I like your drip, Madame.”
My drip? What is dripping? I...
As language educators, we are always seeking ways to connect our teaching with our students’ interests and passions...
According to key statistics from the most recent US Census, more than 40 million Americans claim to have German...
Get your students excited for the new school year while reviewing or introducing essential concepts with interactive...
To help you kick off your school year, we have gathered a series of ice-breaker games and activities that are very...
Desde que la plataforma de entretenimiento TikTok salió al mercado se convirtió en un fenómeno. Esta aplicación de...
I’m sure you know the saying, “If you can’t beat’em, join’em,” and when it comes to your students’...
A teacher’s dream is to have all students engaged in learning and enjoying the lesson. While this is a noble goal,...