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technology in the classroom

Usos de la IA en el aula: Beneficios y limitaciones

Usos de la IA en el aula: Beneficios y limitaciones

La Real Academia Española (RAE) define la inteligencia artificial (IA) como la disciplina científica que se ocupa de...
Trend or Tool? New Developments in AI for Multilingual Learners

Trend or Tool? New Developments in AI for Multilingual Learners

Teaching multilingual learners (MLs) means spending a lot of time engaged with words, and the current “word of the...
Evolving with GenAI. Assessments in the Language Classroom

Evolving with GenAI: Assessments in the Language Classroom

It seems that cheating has been running rampant since our schools experienced the global pandemic – students have...
Desafíos y oportunidades para los maestros en un mundo con inteligencia artificial

Desafíos y oportunidades para los maestros en un mundo con inteligencia artificial

El uso de las tecnologías emergentes, como la inteligencia artificial (IA), es una estrategia potencial e innovadora...
AI in the World Language Classroom: Friend or Foe?

ChatGPT and AI in the World Language Classroom: Friend or Foe?

AI in the World Language Classroom: Friend or Foe? In today's evolving digital age, technology and, specifically,...
Aplicaciones para integrar la Inteligencia Artificial (IA) en la educación

Aplicaciones para integrar la Inteligencia Artificial (IA) en la educación

El mundo atraviesa por una era tecnológica que avanza a pasos agigantados. La convergencia de las tecnologías...
BookTok, la comunidad literaria de TikTok

BookTok, la comunidad literaria de TikTok

Desde que la plataforma de entretenimiento TikTok salió al mercado se convirtió en un fenómeno. Esta aplicación de...
4 Fun Ways Teachers Can Use BookTok in the Classroom

4 Fun Ways Teachers Can Use BookTok in the Classroom

I’m sure you know the saying, “If you can’t beat’em, join’em,” and when it comes to your students’...
Dynamic Classroom Interactions for Multilingual Learners

Designing Dynamic Classroom Interactions for Multilingual Learners

Designing dynamic classroom interaction allow teachers to design lessons that meet the individual instructional and...
Vista Higher Learning Unveils Next Gen Integration for vhlcentral Online Learning Platform

Vista Higher Learning Unveils Next Gen Integration for vhlcentral Online Learning Platform

Vista Higher Learning has earned the EdTech™ certification for learning tools interoperability (LTI) v1.3 for its...