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By- Erika Semprun

Are your students distracted or simply not eager to learn? Today, we are giving you a couple of ideas on how to get your students interested and excited about their education.

#1- Arrange the classroom in a way that promotes discourse

While the traditional seating arrangement facing the whiteboard is still quite common, this layout doesn’t encourage participation—and it makes it easier for students to get distracted. Instead of aligning the desks in rows, consider placing them in a U shape. By doing this, you’ll be able to engage with every student throughout the lesson. This also encourages students to communicate and get involved with the lesson.

#2- Connect with the students

Making sure the students respect you is extremely important, but mutual respect is key if you want your student body to be motivated. A class setting in which everyone feels comfortable, respected, and value is one in which both the students and the teacher grow and flourish. Ways to achieve this include being approachable and fair—and strict when necessary. Remember that while you’re encouraged to be a fun instructor, discipline is still imperative.

#3- Assess which methods of teaching work best with your students

It’s important to remember that not all students learn the material in the same way. Because of this, take the time to determine which teaching methods work best for your group of kids or teens.

#4- If possible, try making the material relatable

If the information is difficult to communicate or explain, try teaching the material in a way that makes it relatable for the students. When possible, use topics, figures, or concepts that are common or that they enjoy.

#5- Offer incentives

Another way of promoting participation is by offering incentives. While not all instructors agree with this, others find that it really helps. Incentives often include extra credit or prizes, but it’s completely up to you.

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