By Claudia Quesito
Let’s talk about “the untranslatables,” i.e. Italian words, expressions, and sayings that...
By Krishauna Hines-Gaither, Ph.D.
2020 brought unprecedented exposure to two pandemics: COVID-19 and systemic...
Mejorar la escritura en español es una meta importante que muchos se trazan hoy en día. Escribir significa...
Instructors have had to adjust to a new way of teaching and connecting with students since the COVID-19 pandemic began....
La fonética es fundamental en el proceso de aprendizaje de un idioma y los trabalenguas son una excelente opción para...
La carta es un papel escrito (medio de comunicación), que una persona (emisor o remitente) envía a otra persona...
By Christen Campbell
In my presentation, Au delà baguette et du béret, I invited participants to view the...
By Claudia Quesito
Italian food and cuisine need no introduction; they are universally well known. Being famous...
La enseñanza en remoto transformó la educación de la forma jamás pensada. Aunque las clases y sesiones virtuales no...
The goal of the VHL Virtual Conference that concluded in October was to bring educators together on topics that unify...