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Author: Deyanira Navarrete

The Italian Podcasts Scene

The Italian Podcasts Scene

It’s currently podcast-time in Italy. Everyone seems to have something to podcast about. Some current facts: around...
Aplicaciones para integrar la Inteligencia Artificial (IA) en la educación

Aplicaciones para integrar la Inteligencia Artificial (IA) en la educación

El mundo atraviesa por una era tecnológica que avanza a pasos agigantados. La convergencia de las tecnologías...
Italian Film Festivals: A Summer Guide

Italian Film Festivals: A Summer Guide

Italian movie theaters are not living their best moment: Most of them are struggling to come back to their pre-pandemic...
7 Spanish-Language Films for Spanish Teachers to Indulge in This Summer

7 Spanish-Language Films for Spanish Teachers to Indulge in This Summer

Get your snacks ready and head to the couch, because these Spanish-language films are all available on streaming...
The Power of Spanish Podcasts for Teachers: Summer Listening Recommendations

The Power of Spanish Podcasts for Teachers: Summer Listening Recommendations

Every language teacher knows the value of using authentic material in the classroom. Spanish-language podcasts are...
La influencia del español en la música y el cine

La influencia del español en la música y el cine

No hay duda que el idioma español se ha posicionado entre las lenguas más habladas en el mundo. Ocupa un rol...
Summer Language Learning Challenge_Boosting Proficiency in Your Language Journey as a Teacher

Summer Language Learning Challenge: Boosting Proficiency in Your Language Journey as a Teacher

As summer break approaches, it's the perfect time for teachers to focus on their own language-learning journey. This...
Errores comunes al aprender español

Errores comunes al aprender español y cómo evitarlos

El español se ha posicionado como uno de los idiomas más estudiados gracias a la cantidad de hablantes que lo...
Seis destinos literarios en Latinoamérica

Seis destinos literarios en Latinoamérica

¿A quién no le gusta viajar y despertar en un lugar diferente cada día?  Soñar con darse una escapadita y explorar...
3 Simple Solutions for Student Learning in the Summer

3 Simple Solutions for Student Learning in the Summer

The “summer slide” is not the name of a fun attraction at your local water park. Instead, it’s a very real...