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Author: Deyanira Navarrete

The Power of Spanish Podcasts for Teachers: Summer Listening Recommendations

The Power of Spanish Podcasts for Teachers: Summer Listening Recommendations

Every language teacher knows the value of using authentic material in the classroom. Spanish-language podcasts are...
La influencia del español en la música y el cine

La influencia del español en la música y el cine

No hay duda que el idioma español se ha posicionado entre las lenguas más habladas en el mundo. Ocupa un rol...
Summer Language Learning Challenge_Boosting Proficiency in Your Language Journey as a Teacher

Summer Language Learning Challenge: Boosting Proficiency in Your Language Journey as a Teacher

As summer break approaches, it's the perfect time for teachers to focus on their own language-learning journey. This...
Errores comunes al aprender español

Errores comunes al aprender español y cómo evitarlos

El español se ha posicionado como uno de los idiomas más estudiados gracias a la cantidad de hablantes que lo...
Seis destinos literarios en Latinoamérica

Seis destinos literarios en Latinoamérica

¿A quién no le gusta viajar y despertar en un lugar diferente cada día?  Soñar con darse una escapadita y explorar...
3 Simple Solutions for Student Learning in the Summer

3 Simple Solutions for Student Learning in the Summer

The “summer slide” is not the name of a fun attraction at your local water park. Instead, it’s a very real...
What do Italian Students Do over the Summer?

What do Italian Students Do over the Summer?

How do Italian middle- and highschoolers spend their summers? They surely enjoy a very long break—the longest in...
Ah… Summer: Time to Renew, Relax, Refresh!

Ah… Summer: Time to Renew, Relax, Refresh!

Greetings to my hard-working, wonderful colleagues, Yes, it has finally arrived! Summer break is upon us! School is...
Summer Reading Recommendations for Elementary, Middle, and High School

Summer Reading Recommendations for Elementary, Middle, and High School

What better way to for kids to spend summer vacation than discovering new books to entertain them? Maintaining sharp...
BookTok, la comunidad literaria de TikTok

BookTok, la comunidad literaria de TikTok

Desde que la plataforma de entretenimiento TikTok salió al mercado se convirtió en un fenómeno. Esta aplicación de...