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10 palabras relacionadas con la poesía

Por Marielisa Ortiz Berríos Por lo general la poesía se diferencia de la prosa en la composición, rimas y...

Las figuras literarias o retóricas

Por- Linda Ojeda Los poetas suelen añadir a las palabras ciertos giros y significados de una forma no...

¿Cuáles son los elementos de un poema?

Un poema es una obra escrita cuyo contenido expresa sentimientos, pensamientos, acciones y, en algunas ocasiones...

A Guide to Celebrating Easter in the Classroom

By- Erika Semprun Easter may be a chocolate-filled holiday, but it’s about much more than egg hunts and...

How to Integrate Poetry into Class Curriculum

By- Erika Semprun Poetry is a great component to integrate into class curriculum, but sometimes it can be...

Five Ways to Celebrate National Poetry Month

By- Erika Semprun With National Poetry month finally here, many are wondering how best to celebrate the...

Four Reasons to Love Poetry

By- Erika Semprun National Poetry Month is here, and what better time to reflect on why this genre is widely...

Easter – What’s It All About?

By Ángela Padrón Jellybeans, chocolate, eggs, and Jesus. What do they all have in common? One word –...

5 Classroom Activities to Celebrate National Poetry Month

By- Angela Padrón There are many ways that teachers and students can celebrate National Poetry Month this April....

El azulejo de La Alhambra

Nivel 1B Unidad 5 - España Desafío 2 Por Marielisa Ortiz Berríos La arquitectura de...