By Claudia Quesito
While we of course must give credit where credit’s due and note that Dante well deserves the...
We’re introduced to poetry as soon as we’re born, through cooing lullabies and catchy nursery rhymes. As teachers,...
There’s nothing like National Poetry Month in Italy, but celebrating poetry always seems a good idea. Plus, 2021...
April is National Poetry Month, and it’s never too early to introduce children to the auditory beauty that rhyme and...
Piedad Bonnett, poeta y escritora colombiana, nos regala en esta antología una selección poética que abarca cien...
Vista Books Win the Prestigious Premio Campoy-Ada Awarded by the North American Academy of the Spanish...
Hace unas semanas, tuve el honor de presentar “SÉ UNA PIÑA: Cómo fomentar sentimiento y compromiso comunitarios en...
El almohadón de plumas, es un relato trágico en el que se describe cómo una rara enfermedad consume lentamente, la...
Being aware of how different groups of Americans have struggled for equal rights is an essential part of understanding...
Italy has a prominent literary tradition, and the Italian language itself was “formalized” by Dante Alighieri....