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Author: Deyanira Navarrete

Rizzing to the Challenge: Best Practices for the Next Gen in World Language Education

I walk into class holding a stack of papers and hear, “I like your drip, Madame.” My drip? What is dripping? I...
Use or Lose: ESSER Spending Deadline Looms

Use or Lose: ESSER Spending Deadline Looms

A very important source of federal aid for K–12 programs will soon end. On September 30, 2024, the federal Elementary...
Propuestas para conmemorar en clase el Día Internacional de la Mujer

Propuestas para conmemorar en clase el Día Internacional de la Mujer

La celebración del Día Internacional de la Mujer surgió luego de las actividades del movimiento sindical en América...
Canciones de amor, en español, para integrar la música en tus lecciones

Canciones de amor, en español, para integrar la música en tus lecciones

Aprovechando la oportunidad que nos ofrece la celebración del mes del amor y la amistad es propicio resaltar la...
What’s In a Name? Why Spanish Is Considered a Romance Language

What’s In a Name? Why Spanish Is Considered a Romance Language

Ever wonder why some languages are classified as Romance languages? Before I began studying languages, I assumed a...
Romance Languages: What Makes Italian a Romance Language

Romance Languages: What Makes Italian a Romance Language

The Italian language is part of the big Romance languages family. Romance, or (Neo-)Latin, languages developed directly...
Poemas de amor escritos por poetas hispanohablantes

Poemas de amor escritos por poetas hispanohablantes

Demostrar los sentimientos de amor hacia las personas que más queremos y apreciamos es algo que debemos hacer todos...
From SLIFE to ALL: Meeting a Wide Range of Multilingual Learner Needs in the EL and DL Classroom

From SLIFE to ALL: Meeting a Wide Range of Multilingual Learner Needs in the EL and DL Classroom

The role and positive impact that teachers can have when working with multilingual learners is immense!   I...
How to Celebrate Your Favorite (Local) Library

How to Celebrate Your Favorite (Local) Library

  There is no exact Italian equivalent for National Library Lovers’ Month. There is something similar, but...
Defining Literacy for Newcomers & SLIFE Students

Defining Literacy for Newcomers & SLIFE Students

  Second language learners are present in increasing numbers in U.S. schools. Educators are entrusted with the...